Who's who in my family
ALFIE (my brother)Alfie - my darling twin brother and the cleverist pug in the entire world. I love Alfie even more than chicken and cream with cake. He is a bit needy and always has to be on someones knee. He looks after me and we are best friends as well as brother and sister and if I need any research done he is the dog to ask.
ANDREA (my wee beans mum)Andrea is one of my mum's bestest friends and the mother of my wee beans Leah, Holly and Sophie. She is married to Tony and my Dad says Tony just has to look at her and she is pregnant so he walks with his head down all the time :-) I tried to swap some chicken for some wee beans so they could live in my house but Andrea said NO.
CHAMATH (Tracey's hubby)Chamath - Tracey's husband who was made in Sri Lanka. Chamath drives a great big boat and drags peoples along after it on a great big board thing - I think the people ask him to teach them to stand up or something like that. Chamath is really really lucky because he knows some real live elephants :-)
GRANNY (Dad's mum)This is my Dad's mum with all my big sisters. She lives with Johnny my dad's dad. She loves animals and even likes cats and is very kind to us. She loves doing everything and even though in dog years she is nearly 500 (which is quite old) she is always doing stuff and enjoying life. She can tell loads of stories and can even remember when there was no internet. Can you imagine?
JOHNNY (Dads dad)Johnny is my dad's dad and lives with Granny. He doesn't like being called Grand dad so we all call him Johnny. He also doesn't like animals much so we all sit on his knee when he comes to visit just to piss him off. He does like doing puzzles in the paper, driving his fancy new car and being a 'grumpy ole git' which makes us laugh. He's the best Grand dad/Johnny anyone could ask for.
KARL (Faye's boyfriend)Karl - Faye's boyfriend and Alfie's best 'boy' friend :-) They like to play rugby together and talk about sport and other manly man stuffs. Karl was made in England (Dad says we shouldn't hold that against him) but he lives now in Dew-bye with Faye. Hopefully Faye and Karl are coming home to Northern Ireland soon.
KATIE (Ross's girlfriend)Katie- is Ross's girlfriend and she has gone off to Switzerland with him. She is one of the smartest in the family and has even passed an exam. She is so smart she is going to You-knee-ver-city. I'm not sure where that is but you have to be really clever to go there so I'll probably never get to visit.
LAYLA (my sister)Layla- is the leader of the pack after Dad and is very posh indeed. She once won a puppy training class and her great great great great grand daddy won something at Crufts. She never shuts up about it. If we ever get given toys Layla takes charge of them as she says we might break them. Funny thing is she usually breaks them herself.....
LEAH (biggest wee bean)Leah - is Andrea's oldest wee bean. She can talk nearly as well as us and likes to use my Dad as a trampoline. She shows the others how to share food with us and is in charge of Alfie tail pulling. She gives the best dirty looks in the world if she is cross with you and is teaching us to do the same - We love Leah.
LEO (Lyndsay's boyfriend)Leo - Lyndsay's husband who was made in Brazil on the beach. (Thats DaVinci with him)We would love to go to the beach in Rio but we wouldn't like to watch Leo being made. He is learning to drive planes and can already drive a small one but he hopes one day to be able to drive one of those great big feck off ones like Concord or something like that!
LESLEY ANNE (My friend)Lesley Anne is my mums Goddaughter and lives in our house and is also very smart like Katie and has passed an exam. She has already been to You-knee-ver-city and came back speaking French and Spanish just like us. She is very good to us and if mum and dad are away we sleep in her bed.
LYNDSAY (biggest sister)Lyndsay - my eldest human bean sister. She lives in Perth Australia which is a whole pile of miles away from Belfast. I'm not sure what she does for her job but I think she is a Project something or other. She has two dogs, DaVinci and Dali (in the picture) who are named after the painter. I am not sure if that is true as we had the painter at our house and he was called 'Bob'
ROBYN (My friend)Robyn- lives in our house but her real house is in Spain. Her mum is my mums friend and Robyn lives with us while she learns to cut hair. (the Spanish can't cut hair they are to busy Siestaing) She's been learning now for 2 years and is still not finished. How hard can it be? Get scissors, hold hair, cut hair, job done, Duh!! It took her 3 hours to find a picture she'd let us use and that was with two friends with only one eye each....weird.
SOPHIE (smallest wee bean)Sophie - my weeist wee bean. Leah and Holly call her Soapy because they can't say her name properly yet :-) Sophie is gorgeous but she can't eat chicken yet - she is the least likely wee bean to share food but hopefully that will change soon and she still hasn't learnt to pull Alfies tail. Mum says she is so cute she could eat her but I think that would make Andrea fecking raging!
TRACEY (my middle biggest sister)Tracey - My human bean sister who lives in A-Boo-Dabbie and is married to Chamath. She likes to stay fit and stands on her head...... a lot. Tracey is an air-hostess and her job is a big secret. They won't tell me exactly who or what she works for in case I give some of my excellent clues and people guess! I think she works for a shake or somebody like that!